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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Jesus used Scripture to validate His claims.

Man and God

August 6, 2017
Sent from the Father, Jesus is One with Him.

What He Said

August 5, 2017
We need to study these exchanges carefully.

Stone Him!

August 4, 2017
People haven't changed since Jesus' day.
Jesus and the Father are one, and we belong to them.
Jesus' sheep bear witness to Him.

Plain Enough

August 1, 2017
Were these people just not listening?
Unbelievers must account for the fact of Jesus.
He is our Shepherd; we are His sheep.
The love of the Father reaches us through Jesus.
Jesus the Good Shepherd brings lost sheep. So must we.
Jesus sets the pace for all shepherds.
Jesus claimed an identity all His hearers would have understood.
Jesus is the way in and out for full and abundant life.


July 24, 2017
Jesus leads us into His sheepfold.

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