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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
They were children of their lying father.
They heard Jesus, but they didn't get the message.
Descended from Abraham? Not impressed.
Freedom? Jesus can do it.
True freedom is found in following Jesus.


June 18, 2017
It's a question of authority - whose.
A day is coming when all will know Jesus.
In which world do you live?
So where, they wondered, was He going?
This must have been really hard to hear.
Jesus witnessed to Himself, and He witnessed truly.
Jesus continues to ramp up His astonishing claims.

Heating Up

June 11, 2017
We can feel the temperature rising around Jesus.
Nicodemus shows the courage of faith.
All who oppose truth are the real deceivers.

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