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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
Captivity comes by degrees, not suddenly.
The churches in Gaul were captive to comfort.
Gildas warns us against failing to shepherd the Lord's flock.
Why did so many thousands flee the Church of the fourth century?
What winds are blowing through the Church's sails?
Have we become captive to our culture?


May 9, 2019
We need to examine ourselves.
We are called to be shepherds. Anything else is unfaithfulness.
Ministry is not about activities, but access.
The shepherds of the Lord should imitate the Lord.
What is the work of a shepherd? This is.
Jesus is the Standard - the Rule - to which we aspire.
Two key facets of every shepherd's work.
Is Jesus the example or merely an example?
Pastoral ministry is hard work, and we need to work hard at it.

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