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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor

What a Friend!

November 7, 2022
What a friend, indeed.

Mince No Words

October 21, 2022
Tell the truth, come what may.

Streaming In?

September 12, 2022
It's what God promised.

Walking the Talk

September 3, 2022
Talk it. Walk it.
Serving all life long.
All of life is discipline. But what kind?
It's a question that faces us every day.


July 22, 2022
Fruitfulness is conditional.
It will ruin your ministry.
Amazing, but true.
And everyone else's, too.
An every shepherd must-have.
Be a shepherd. Be like Jesus.
It's more than just going to heaven.
Edwards makes four points.