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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Rooted in Christ
“What is your best advice for raising children?"

Love Letter

December 29, 2023
John’s first epistle is indeed a love letter.
The Judge of all the earth calls you to rise.


December 22, 2023
If sinlessness is a hallmark of assurance of salvation, then it is self-evident we fail the test.

John the Witness

December 18, 2023
While the other three Gospels call this forerunner John “the Baptist” (e.g., Matt. 3:1; Mark 6:14; Luke 7:20), John the gospel writer never does.
How do we know those who are children of God and those who are of their father, the devil?
Are we sinful or sinless? The answer is both.

Children of God

December 1, 2023
As children of God we are distinguished from the world, and it all has to do with the saving knowledge of God that sets us apart for Him both in status and state of being.
What is the anointing that we as Christians receive from God?


November 17, 2023
Abiding in Christ is essential for Christian life and living.

Denying the Truth

November 10, 2023
John addresses believers as truth-holders.

The Last Hour

November 3, 2023
Those who are antichrists make it their business to lead people astray.
My devotional on the epistle of James was just released by Reformation Heritage Books. Below is the last of the 47 devotions that take us through the letter. James closes on a note both somber and hopeful, reminding us that truth matters.

Kingdom Conflict

October 27, 2023
Why does John speak so negatively of the world?
Together we are part of a Christian community who walk in light rather than darkness.

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