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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

The Real Deal

January 10, 2017
John shows us where we should be looking.
He takes away the sin of the world.
John is a template for all witnesses.

One Greater

January 7, 2017
A true witness, John points beyond himself.
They want to know who gave John permission to baptize.
John's two-faceted identity.
The powers-that-be were troubled.
The guessing game continues.

Who Are You?

January 2, 2017
John's ministry created a stir.
John's prologue comes to its end. The story begins.
The Word became flesh with a mission.

Grace on Grace

December 30, 2016
The Word-become-flesh overflows with grace.

John's Witness

December 29, 2016
John testified of Him.
Like the tabernacle, He was filled with glory.
He came to tabernacle among us.

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