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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
The eternal Word became flesh in time.

Prologue, Part 1

December 25, 2016
In the Word of God, all tensions are resolved.

The True Light

December 24, 2016
The darkness cannot overcome it.
John came as a witness to the Light.

Life and Light

December 22, 2016
The Word is the Life of men and the Light of the world.

Creator Word

December 21, 2016
All things were made by Him.

The Explanation

December 20, 2016
The Word is the Reason for and Explanation of everything.
The Word of God is eternal.

All Things New

December 18, 2016
Here is the consummation of God's covenant.

The King Returns

December 17, 2016
He is coming, and He is coming soon.

Rampage of Sin

December 16, 2016
Sin pervades the institutions of men.
The Rider on the white horse.

Sovereign Lamb

December 14, 2016
He rules the flow of history.
A look at the state of the Church then - and always.

Ruler of Kings

December 12, 2016
God's covenant is fulfilled in the book of Revelation.

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