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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Jesus dared them, and they would oblige.
Jesus honors God's purposes for His house.
What's the meaning of this violence?
There's a time and place for business. And not.
Much more of the same is to come.

First Glory

February 4, 2017
Jesus manifests His glory even in small things.
Like this wine, so Jesus is for these last days.
Here was glory, but not for everyone to see.


February 1, 2017
Mary's advice is sound still.

Not this Glory

January 31, 2017
Jesus did not want His mother to be mistaken.
Jesus' first public act manifested His glory. To some.
The overture is finished. Now the drama begins.

He Promises

January 28, 2017
With Jesus, there's always more to come.

He Wows

January 27, 2017
Nathanael was impressed. Are we?

He Sees

January 26, 2017
We are never out of His sight.

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