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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


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The message of the kingdom of heaven gets more advanced as Jesus challenges His disciples to abandon worldly priorities. Kingdom power advances too when Jesus sends out six dozen followers and gives them more permanent powers than He gave the twelve.

From an under-the-sun perspective, the field of the world looks increasingly like a weed field. Everywhere, it seems, the good seed of the Kingdom is being choked out, and ugly tares of corruption, immorality, godlessness, and narcissism are flourishing. But when we look at the world from God’s perspective, under the heavens, a different scenario unfolds.

At last, Peter gets it and announces who Jesus is. This is roundly confirmed on the mount of transfiguration. This leads to the next level of revelation – crucifixion. The apostles aren’t going to understand this until after it happens.
The Son of Man is at work in the field of the world, sowing and tending to the good seed of the Kingdom of God. He calls us to join Him in His work, each of us in our Personal Mission Field, doing the work we’ve been given to do.

People are scared or even offended by Jesus’s power. He keeps who He is a secret, while doing things that, in retrospect, will make it obvious. This is all part of preparing his disciples for what’s coming. Some of the events are actually clever exercises for them.

In the wheat field of God’s world, unbelievers are busily at work in their various under-the-sun schemes and projects, trying to make sense out of a life that can feel to them like vanity and feeding on the wind.

We cannot understand our times, or know what we should do in them, unless we see our times in the larger framework of history. There is a framework of history, and Christians can know it. Jesus reveals it to us in the parable of the wheat and the tares, and this is the subject of our study.

No one is ready for the concept of incarnation. Jesus shows who he is, and the demons know who he is, but for now, he’s just setting things up for a later realization. It’s all just too fantastic.
Jesus raises a boy from the dead – without even being asked. After he confirms to John who he is and explains who John is, Jesus is anointed by a “sinner woman.” He explains that one who is forgiven much loves much.
Our friends and neighbors who have chosen to live under the sun rather than under the heavens congratulate themselves for having outgrown what they consider the childish and futile practices of religion. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Jesus sets His disciples up for their coming persecution with the beatitudes and the command to love their enemies. He points out that some people call Him Lord yet don’t do what He commands. A Centurion understands what the disciples do not. This teaches the true meaning of the word Lord.

Christians have been sent to the world as Jesus was sent, to embody and announce the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven (Jn. 20.21; Acts 1.8). This is a high and holy calling. It’s also a daunting challenge.

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