These free downloads are available to Members of The Ailbe Community, to strengthen your walk with the Lord and your ministry in His Name. Do you have an idea for a free download? Write to The Fellowship at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we’ll talk about it.
Jesus eats with sinners, doesn’t command his disciples to fast, heals on the Sabbath, and even claims to forgive sin. Then he prays all night before choosing his disciples. What’s He up to?
Nobody likes to be thought of as strange. Yet many of our secular contemporaries think of those who believe the Gospel as strange, perhaps even dangerous. So disenchanted has their worldview become, that they have no place for spiritual realities or God – or weird people like us who believe such things.
Jesus won’t let demons tell everyone who He is. He prioritizes preaching and recruiting disciples over healing, while keeping part of His mission a secret. His personal touch when healing is unique.
God speaks to us through His Word and His world. But how can we learn to hear Him and see His glory in the world around. This brief ReVision study can get you started in the exciting discipline of creational theology.
We like to think of God in terms of love. We love God. He’s our Father, Christ is our Savior, the Spirit is our Comforter. What’s to fear? Plenty, as it turns out. And fearing God leads to loving Him, knowing His truth, living in His wisdom – indeed, fullness of life as God intends.
Jesus is born and it seems like everyone already knows who He is. Some folks even know some disturbing details. Mary bears the burden of all this.
The Reformation was not just about right doctrine. As these excerpts from Martin Luther and John Calvin demonstrate, the reformers were eager to rediscover the true nature of Christian life and of the Church as the community of God's people.
We all need more beauty in our lives, and art is one of the best ways to get it. This ReVision study will help you understand why art matters for followers of Jesus Christ.