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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor
Revival, renewal, awakening - they all begin in prayer.
This is not your typical prayer meeting.
Has the Lord withdrawn from us?
So, how shall we seek Him?
If in prayer we do not seek this, we seek amiss.
For the believer, prayer is not an option.
Edwards saw a great day of revival coming. Do we?
Pray - no excuses.
God gives us lots of reasons to pray.
You gotta stay after it.
They're the same - mostly.
These reinforce one another.
Holiness begins here.
This alone should bring us to prayer.
Prayerlessness leads to wickedness.

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In the face of this relentless information storm, this is no time for Christians to give up on reading. We need to equip ourselves to weather this information storm, and The Fellowship of Ailbe wants to help.