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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
We need fewer reasons and better reasoning.
Appealing to the Constitution won't help us here. We'll need a higher authority.
President Obama is a skilled politician. But is he a wise one?
For all his sincere faith and right principle, the President is still wrong.
A weak conscience results from two primary conditions.
Where are your church's leaders trying to take you?
The good life, as defined by the American political class, consists of money and stuff.


January 22, 2012
Are you praying for revival every day?


January 19, 2012
We can help them develop new tastes.
Seeking the Kingdom of God is our first, continuous, and highest duty and calling.
My definition of life has it all.
Christ is indeed playing in 10,000 places, and some of them may be right near you.

Time Check

January 8, 2012
All time is sacred time.

Ripe Acorns

January 5, 2012
Two acorns for Robert Trivers.
It’s not just because we’re stodgy and traditional.

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