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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Only Jesus can do it. Ezra 7-10

Hard Repentance

September 30, 2023
Ezra calls the nation to repentance. Ezra 10.1-44
But not to the Lord. Ezra 9.1-15

Safe Arrival

September 28, 2023
And well-funded to boot. Ezra 8.24-36

Depending on God

September 27, 2023
Trusting in Him and His Word. Ezra 8.1-23
Ezra comes to Jerusalem. Ezra 7.11-28

Help on the Way

September 25, 2023
And he's the right man for the job. Ezra 7.1-10

For the Record

September 24, 2023
The importance of history. Esther 6-10

Good Government

September 23, 2023
Mordecai exalted. Esther 10.1-3

A New Feast

September 22, 2023
But different. Esther 9.18-32


September 21, 2023
Esther and Mordecai save their people. Esther 9.1-17
A great and glorious reversal. Esther 8.1-17

The Reveal

September 19, 2023
Haman bites the dust. Esther 7.1-10
Does anyone learn them? Do we? Esther 6.1-14
We can see ourselves in her. Esther 1-5

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