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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
God listens to those who fear Him. Malachi 3.16

Hard Words

November 30, 2023
Guard against this sin. Malachi 3.13-15

Rob God?

November 29, 2023
Not a good idea. Malachi 3.8-12

God Unchanging

November 28, 2023
And aren't we glad? Malachi 3.4-7


November 27, 2023
John, Jesus, you, me. Malachi 3.1-3

Itching Ears

November 26, 2023
False shepherds are a constant problem. Malachi 2

Word Wearied

November 25, 2023
God's patience has limits. Malachi 2.17
And God hates it. Malachi 2.13-16
Stay awake and aware. Really. Malachi 2.10-12
We are messengers of the Lord. Malachi 2.7-9
How could we not? Malachi 2.5, 6

Glory or Curse?

November 20, 2023
It's our choice. Malachi 2.1-4
It's a constant choice. Malachi 1

King Check

November 18, 2023
They had a King, but didn't realize it. Malachi 1.14
They need to line up. Malachi 1.11-13

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