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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

ReVision Studies

Nobody likes to be thought of as strange. Yet many of our secular contemporaries think of those who believe the Gospel as strange, perhaps even dangerous. So disenchanted has their worldview become, that they have no place for spiritual realities or God – or weird people like us who believe such things.

God speaks to us through His Word and His world. But how can we learn to hear Him and see His glory in the world around. This brief ReVision study can get you started in the exciting discipline of creational theology.

We like to think of God in terms of love. We love God. He’s our Father, Christ is our Savior, the Spirit is our Comforter. What’s to fear? Plenty, as it turns out. And fearing God leads to loving Him, knowing His truth, living in His wisdom – indeed, fullness of life as God intends.

We all need more beauty in our lives, and art is one of the best ways to get it. This ReVision study will help you understand why art matters for followers of Jesus Christ.

God, spiritual realities, heaven – such ideas our increasingly secular generation refuses to acknowledge. But the Christian knows these are real, and that believers have a calling from God which comes to them from that spiritual realm and is meant to bear witness to God in the here and now.

In Psalm 12, David describes a situation in which lies and deception are the order of the day. No one has or wants the truth, and everyone asserts his own authority to be a law unto himself. He describes a world very much like the one in which we live.
God intends His Word to be the joy and rejoicing of heart for all people. But all some folks can see in the Bible are unreasonable restraints and unpalatable priorities.
The first reason God gave us the Scriptures is that we may understand the doctrines that equip us for every good work. Doctrine matters, and sound doctrine matters supremely.

Rightly dividing the Word of truth – to use Paul’s expression – involves a seven-faceted process of reading, meditating, and studying the Bible under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit. Any believer can learn to do this, and every believer should.

The science of hermeneutics addresses the question of how best to understand the Bible. This Word that is able to save and sanctify, and which we read and study daily, is fraught with deep meanings that can only be ferreted out by following protocols outlined in the Bible itself.

The promise of Scripture is that it is able to save our soul. The Bible possesses power to do a work within us that makes all things new, and that sets us on a path of joy and rejoicing as a way of life.

Reading the Bible is the starting-point for having the Word of Christ dwell in you richly – the joy and rejoicing of your heart.

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