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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

ReVision Studies

We don't have to give in to sin or be defeated by it. Our ReVision study "Sin and Its Effects and Cure" can help to further your growth in the Lord.

With Stephen and Paul as our examples, and understanding the times in which we live, each believer must do his part to advance the Kingdom of Christ. This entails living and proclaiming our witness to Him at all times and by every available means.
We cannot simply stand by while the tares of this world propagate and pollute throughout the Lord’s field. We must continue to engage the Lord in His work of sowing good Kingdom seed into the world, beginning in our own Personal Mission Fields.
“If God is so good, why is there so much evil in the world?” Perhaps you’ve heard that objection? It’s a fair question, but not nearly as fair as the question, Why isn’t there actually more evil in the world?
The neglect by contemporary Christians of the Law of God is a primary cause of the decrease of love in the world.

From an under-the-sun perspective, the field of the world looks increasingly like a weed field. Everywhere, it seems, the good seed of the Kingdom is being choked out, and ugly tares of corruption, immorality, godlessness, and narcissism are flourishing. But when we look at the world from God’s perspective, under the heavens, a different scenario unfolds.

The Son of Man is at work in the field of the world, sowing and tending to the good seed of the Kingdom of God. He calls us to join Him in His work, each of us in our Personal Mission Field, doing the work we’ve been given to do.

In the wheat field of God’s world, unbelievers are busily at work in their various under-the-sun schemes and projects, trying to make sense out of a life that can feel to them like vanity and feeding on the wind.

We cannot understand our times, or know what we should do in them, unless we see our times in the larger framework of history. There is a framework of history, and Christians can know it. Jesus reveals it to us in the parable of the wheat and the tares, and this is the subject of our study.

Our friends and neighbors who have chosen to live under the sun rather than under the heavens congratulate themselves for having outgrown what they consider the childish and futile practices of religion. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Christians have been sent to the world as Jesus was sent, to embody and announce the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven (Jn. 20.21; Acts 1.8). This is a high and holy calling. It’s also a daunting challenge.

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