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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

ReVision Studies

Before we can wield the Sword of the Spirit, we need to receive it, to allow the Word of God to become firmly planted in our souls, and to begin dwelling there richly.

The Word of God leads us into a covenant relationship with our Creator and Lord, so that, through Jesus Christ, we may realize the precious and very great promises of God as a banquet of spiritual vitality and delight.

The Bible is a single Book, from the mind of a single Author. It tells a single story, and it does so within the framework of a single, powerful structure. That story and structure are God’s covenant.

This generation of Christians is starving for truth, and most of us don’t even recognize this is so. We are awash in the Bible and flush with opportunities for hearing and learning the Word of God. But where is the evidence that this powerful and living Word is at work within us, making all things new?

Wisdom and counsel can be found in Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon. His instructions for them ring true for us today, as we take up our callings to the Kingdom and glory of God, to live as witnesses to Christ and ambassadors of His Kingdom.

We cannot emphasize enough the important of each believer paying careful attention to the work of nurturing their soul for stability in Christ.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ purifies our consciences from dead works, so that God can begin a work in our conscience to ensure that it will purely arbitrate between heart and mind, function as a proper sentinel of the soul, and direct our wills to what is pleasing to God.
Every Christian will experience temptation every day of his life. There’s no getting away from it. We live in a fallen world, and are involved in a spiritual warfare that seeks to undermine our faith and impede the progress of Christ’s Kingdom.
The wisdom of God, which the conscience generates out of our thoughts and affections, plays out in the time of our lives. Paul calls us to make the best use of the time gives us, so that we may live like wise people, rather than like unwise.
The conscience, we recall, does the work of processing thoughts and feelings into words and deeds. If our conscience has not been purified from dead works, our soul will not be healthy, and we will not refract the life of Christ into the world.
The conscience, mind, and heart make up the three spiritual components of the soul. They overlap in some ways, and interact at all times, processing affections and thoughts into words and deeds. But not all our thoughts or feelings are what they ought to be.

The Law of God serves as the rule book of the soul, the repository of values and default choices to which the conscience appeals in bringing mind and heart together for action in love.

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