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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

ReVision Studies

True learning is learning to live Jesus.

By all means, and all life long, let us learn Jesus.

Moving from milk to solid food in the Word of God.

How shall we respond to those who adamantly deny Christ?

Secularists may be sincere in denying Jesus, but they're just wrong. Learn why in this study.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group us and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. A typical study is seven lessons long and includes questions for discussion or reflection and action steps designed to help bring what you are learning into your walk with and work for the Lord Jesus. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group us and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. A typical study is seven lessons long and includes questions for discussion or reflection and action steps designed to help bring what you are learning into your walk with and work for the Lord Jesus. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group us and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. A typical study is seven lessons long and includes questions for discussion or reflection and action steps designed to help bring what you are learning into your walk with and work for the Lord Jesus. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group us and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. A typical study is seven lessons long and includes questions for discussion or reflection and action steps designed to help bring what you are learning into your walk with and work for the Lord Jesus. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group us and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. A typical study is seven lessons long and includes questions for discussion or reflection and action steps designed to help bring what you are learning into your walk with and work for the Lord Jesus. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

Since the first Christian Pentecost, God has been administering a new economy - His Kingdom - which is flowing into, around, within, and over all of life and culture. And He has called us this Kingdom and to His glory as citizens and ambassadors. The ten studies in this series are follow-up to our series, The Kingdom Turn.

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