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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Congress yesterday passed another "continuing resolution" to keep the government from shutting down next week. Now we have until the first week of April. I wonder why this is called a "continuing resolution"? It seems to me more irresolute than resolute, not to have passed a budget yet for this…
How can we account for the irrepressible human impulse to care?
Has the faith of Christ arrived at a defining moment?
The battle is over in Wisconsin. Or is it?
Is there no end to this sordid affair?
One of the most persistent questions of any child is, "Why?"
I'm grateful for the Supreme Court's ruling in the Westboro Baptist case.
I don't know why someone hasn't hit on this before.
Moral relativists cannot fully escape the reality and inevitability of their own humanness.
When I was a kid, and a bunch of us wanted to get together to play football, usually there was no shortage of pigskins from which to choose. We all had footballs and, at certain times of the year, tended to carry them around with us much of the time.…
I confesss that I have some trouble following the liberal mindset.
The Christian worldview can account for ethical non-negotiables.
Is there a door of opportunity here for churches?
The problem of the courts is an interdisciplinary problem.
"The story of humans' sense of self is...the story of failed, debunked versions of The Sentence."

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