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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Of course, belief and philosophical thought are not real knowledge.
Pragmatism and relativism are the Scylla and Charibdys of American ethics and education.
Pastors have led us into this morass of small-mindedness and irrelevance.
Perhaps you've never considered that art is a form of lying.
The doctrine of sin is my problem with this idea.
Dr. Mansfield's remarks represent an opening. Are we ready?
OK, well, this explains a lot.
An ancient remedy for dealing with temptation is being rediscovered.
This year the wolf has showed up in spades.
The Kingdom of God makes progress on many fronts.
Immigration is back on the table again.
There is power in the unity we have in Christ.
The facts of the past do, indeed, affect the future of humankind.
Are we losing our vision of the unseen realm or just trading it in?
The secular world may be more ready for God's Law than we think.

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