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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The new Congress convenes today, and many across America are holding their breath.
Is neuroscience the new phrenology?
I always have mixed feelings about the arrival of another New Year.
It's easy to miss the fact that God's love extends to the whole of His creation, and not just to human beings.
For the New Year I'd like to propose we rename the country to reflect its changing identity.

Not Neutrality

December 21, 2010
Each action of government intervention makes us more dependent on government's good intentions.
It's easy to lose sight of the contribution of evangelical Christianity to the scientific endeavor.
The science of neurotheology hopes to provide insight to the nature of religious experience.
Changing hearts requires stronger stuff than ballots.

Just the Facts?

December 12, 2010
Christians, at least, admit that our worldview is based on faith.
You just can't allow people to have too much money.
Has the Christian ministry fallen on such hard times?

Just a Thought

December 5, 2010
Even a string of unrelated thoughts can lead to praise.
People have a right to expect that those who bear the name of Christ will resemble Him.

Enjoy Yourself

November 30, 2010
Increasing numbers of our contemporaries are practicing narcissists.

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