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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


These free downloads are available to Members of The Ailbe Community, to strengthen your walk with the Lord and your ministry in His Name. Do you have an idea for a free download? Write to The Fellowship at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we’ll talk about it.

Two of the giants of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and John Calvin, lead us to consider what it means to follow Jesus and to grow in Him.

From where we sit with Jesus, we should be well acquainted with His glory.

God made man in His image. That’s a powerful clue to His personality, even to His motives. Specifically, our creativity generates some useful analogies.

This opens a door into deeper worship.

Are you living life from the right vantage point? Do you see your life as Jesus does? Do you see Jesus as He intends you should? Here is part 1 of a series on "The View from Here."

Prayer is the defining Christian practice. No wonder Jesus said we should pray always.

God’s grace comes to us in Jesus, and His Spirit graciously works to make us like Him.

The things of God are wonderful, beautiful, and glorifying. We should thank God for His cleverness, creativity, holiness, and mercy every day. But Job said that he spoke of things “too wonderful for me.” Is there something we’re supposed to avoid talking about, or even thinking about?

We investigate that in this series.

We are called to set our minds on Jesus. What does that entail? What does it promise?

These readings aim to help you identify areas of needed growth in your walk with the Lord. Add them to your daily times of seeking the Lord - morning and evening - and let these great Christian leaders guide to you realize more of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

We have received the gift of a great salvation, and the Spirit of God to help us increase in it day by day.

Judgement is coming to Nineveh. They were once mighty, and once repented, but all will be destroyed—completely. This prophesy was fulfilled perfectly. Nineveh, which was once a great city, is now just and archeological dig.

The grace of God reaches people through us, but we need to prepare well for this to happen.

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